Darlene was getting a manicure from her usual nail technician – a woman she liked and had been visiting for years. The woman told her about her son's unwanted puppy, a dog he refused to provide food, water and shelter.
Darlene assumed the technician was feeding the dog when in fact Smokey was slowly being starved to death. The manicurist finally confessed that she wanted to “put the dog down” but didn't want to pay the $200 fee to do so. Darlene, a retired interior designer and an animal lover, not an animal rescuer, requested a photo of the Smokey.
What she saw was an emaciated, sad dog. “Something out of a concentration camp.” Darlene dropped everything and went to the technician’s home where she found Smokey, who was barely able to walk and unable to even eat the food she offered. She dropped some unkind remarks to the son who couldn't care less.
More: 20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Me To Tears…
When Smokey was brought to the animal hospital, he was immediately put on an IV drip where he was given round the clock fluids and proper food. His blood work showed food deprivation that spanned weeks, possibly months. His digestive system was in shock.
Within a month, Smokey had gained 20 lbs, going from 40 lbs to 60lbs.
Forte Animal Rescue a 501 (c)(3) based in Marina del Rey, California stepped in to help Darlene with the hospital care and bills as well as to re-home Smokey. His vet bills amounted to thousands of dollars of which Darlene and the rescue took care of.
More: 12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog
Today, not even a year later, Smokey is recovered and lives in Los Angeles with a wonderful family. He is fed. He is loved. He is home.
Check out the video below to watch this inspirational story of heroism.
Claire Huston
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Can’t even look at this, hope this little beauty will be ok. Scum who left him to die, I hope whoever you are, u rot in HELL
Gail Esposito
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What the heck is wrong with people. There needs to be stronger lanes. I wish I could get my hands on the rotten piece of crap that did that.
Sharon Ann
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So sad glad he got rescued
Idalia Castro
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Bless You Darlene for Being a Hero to Smokey.
Darlene Day-Herzog
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OMG what is wrong with people!!!!!! So glad that dog was rescued.
Harriet SCicluna
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Amazing women poor dog thanks for evey thing
Michelle Desimone
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Makes me sick to My stomach
Andrea Goforth
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What is wrong with so called humans to do that to a loving animal
Jon Newman
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I hate people
Susan Wright
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Why people do wrong with their pets is just as bad as what they are capable of wrong doing to their children. So sad
Margareta Britz
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Love happy endings. Still do not understand why people get dogs if they are not commited to caring for them. Sad.
Janet Mills
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It really is soul destroying, I will never understand how anyone can watch a loving animal die day by day and do nothing and feel nothing. So very very sad.
June Mc Combes
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Our Cooper last year..
June Mc Combes
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Cooper today..
Veronica Devlin
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Death penalty for owners?
Denise Moore
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What a beautiful dog thank you so much for rescuing him and getting the help he needed . To the family that has given him a lovely home bless you . To the nail technician how could you let this dog suffer if your son wouldn’t give him food or water you should have or asked for help you are as much to blame as your son
Jo Ann Goesel
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Please bless this lady who saved him ✝️
Patricia Ann Ray
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God bless somebody ! This is happening to much ! Where is people’s hearts ?
Vickie Lreyna
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God bless her
Jenny Stembridge
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I hope the people were charged
Mary Myrick Langtange
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Poor baby but thank god for the women that has him now ,
Vivian Buchanan
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Heartless owners!
Divina Maria
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When I think of self improvement I always look to dogs — loving, forgiving, giving, vulnerable and trusting — it’s what humans COULD be.
Kay Wilhelm
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Find its owners and prosecute them. How can people be so cruel? Horrific. Thank you for rescuing this innocent animal.
Brandi Gesch
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My boxer the day we got him from the pound
Brandi Gesch
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My boxer now
Geraldine Kusel
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What is quoting with the people who owned that baby
Heinrich Patrick
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i would named bones
Denise McCartney
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Poor baby♡
Deanna Mangrum
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Pets rely on humans for their survival! What a shame when they are betrayed! So sad!!!
Jessica Cox
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Thank you Darlene for saving this poor sweet baby.
David Brown
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The owner should be tied up and starved see how they like it
Kyle Riley
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Karma will come and bite whoever left him like that. Glad he is healthy again
Roanda Bartley
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I just don’t get it!!!
Kelly Cronin
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Lucky poor thing
Bernie Whitehead
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People can be soo bladdy cruel……
Jacki Latimore
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What the hell is wrong with people. There are organizations that will help you or take your dog. Goosh
Geraldine Elliston
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Had a dog dumped here so starved she could only walk a few steps without stopping to rest. The first day she was well enough to get her cup of dog food all at once, she wasn’t waiting at supper time; I called her; she came, totally amazed ‘you mean I get fed even if I’m not waiting?’ For the first couple years,she’d guard her food if she wasn’t hungry at meal time; finally decided the other dogs weren’t interested in her food
Trudi Elise Lichty
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Godbless this percious baby always and forever and the ones that saved them and love them
Jackie Richard Howard
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Why do people do this to their animals. Don’t get one if you are not going to treat them right.
Catherine Baffa
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I tell you we need more mental homes
Catherine Baffa
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And sad to me cause looks like opposite of my Frankie maybe a little too spoiled boy
Janet Gwin
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Thank you so much for saving Smokey! I’m glad he is in a loving forever home.
Angela Warren
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Oh my goodness
Lana Sue
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Thank you for saving this dog
Judi Ure
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How can some people be so bloody ignorant to starve an animal. I mean this just doesn’t happen overnight. Poor baby, I hope he is doing fine now.
Kathy Wright
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Horrible, what heartless people