Dog is left at shelter for being too clingy, then finds a loving home

When a dog was seen being surrendered to a shelter for a heartbreaking reason, the internet was outraged—but it led to this poor dog getting the second chance she deserved.

In 2015, a one-year-old dog named Jubilee, a Blue Heeler and Irish setter mix, was given to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas. It’s not uncommon for a dog to be brought to a shelter—but the apparent reason for this dog being left behind caught attention.

As Examiner reported at the time, a volunteer at the shelter overheard the dog’s owner explain his reasoning for giving her up: “She always wants to be by my side.”

The witness also described the dog’s composure as “anxiety-ridden” as she was left in intake. This story spread throughout the internet—people were upset that this owner had given the dog away simply for being overly affectionate.

To be fair to the dog’s former owner, that wasn’t exactly the whole story.

Minda Emas Harris, a rescue coordinator for the shelter, told the Huffington Post that the dog also had behavioral issues, besides simply being clingy.

“He had a whole list of other reasons for turning her in: ate his sofa, chewed a baseboard, a cushion, etc.,” Harris said. “He brought her to a shelter, hoping we would do what we are supposed to do—find her a home.”

Even if the story wasn’t as black-and-white as the reporting made it seem, the ensuing outrage did, in the end, help Jubilee find a new home. As the story spread far and wide, it reached a woman named Samantha Fewox—who knew she could give this dog a real home.

“It touched me. She loved so much,” Samantha told The Huffington Post. “I knew I was supposed to have her.”

Samantha adopted Jubilee and brought him home to her family, including her other rescue dog Abby and her teenage son.

The family has found the dog to be just as affectionate as her former owner described.

“She does stay right by your side,” Samantha said.

While Jubilee’s story was originally shared as a story of heartless abandonment, it turned out to have a very happy ending—proof that sometimes, everything happens for a reason.

“I am so thankful he made the decision to do that or we would not have this sweet little dog in our life,” Samantha said about Jubilee’s former owner. 

“I think it’ll all be great,” she said. “I think it was meant to be.” 

Nearly four years later, Jubilee is still part of a happy family, who continue to post updates on his official Facebook page.

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