Newlyweds Aliki and Walter, of Canada, were honeymooning in Greece when they discovered an awful sight that they had never expected: a dog who was being eaten alive by parasites & only weeks away from death.
He was living on the streets of a small town and was withering away to nothing, just skin and bones.
When the couple was driving down the street that he was on, the dog walked right up to the driver’s window, as if he were asking for help.
When the couple first saw him, he cowered a lot and was very timid, most likely because people had not been very kind to him in the past.
But despite his deplorable state, his little tail that he kept between his legs still wagged.
He was relieved to have found people who were nice enough to pay him any attention.
With the help of Greek Animal Rescue and Diasozo, the couple changed. . . >> Click To Continue Reading This Story. . .