After four years together, a couple from Roanoke, Virginia, decided that it was time to move in together. Only, the guy soon discovered there would be a terrible price to pay.
See, his girlfriend didn’t care much for his beloved beagle, Molly—and if the two of them were to move in together, then Molly had to go. It was his girlfriend or his dog, and he had to choose!
At first, he didn’t take the news very well. But then he had an idea for how he could solve the problem. With a simple Craigslist ad, all his troubles were about to be over…
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Joann A. Keenan
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Send girlfriend packing! Keep your dog!
Monique Wilson
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He made the right move.
Tiffany Tesnow
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I would get rid of her first
Ed Ojenus
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I would have dumped the girlfriend
Christina Hoffman
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Brian Hoffman
Greg Schultz
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Karin Clark
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She is cruel! ☹️
Anja Hikade
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Good for him that$#%&!@*got what she deserves lol
Steven-Heather Casper
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I wouldn’t get rid of my beagle baby either
Carol Cate Huntley
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Find a new girlfriend!
Tammy Carpenter
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GOOD JOB! I stay away from anyone who isn’t an animal lover.. I’ve found out they really aren’t worth knowing. THATS RIGHT !!!
Monty Bradford
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Lose her, not the Beagle. Any person who does not like Beagles, is an unfit partner. Beware.
Leann Old
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He did the right thing by getting rid of the girlfriend. Dogs are family!
Karen Amos
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He made the right choice.
Karen Greskoviak
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I would get rid of the girlfriend not the dog
Dawn Krier Skelly
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You made the right choice
Sharon Hagey
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Lauren Hagey
Bonnie Datu
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If I were him I would have gotten rid of my girlfriend instead of my dog.
Marilyn Hyde
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He should get rid of the girlfriend.
Ken Wilson
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Send her packing.
Deanna Wallace
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Smart man no way in hell I wouldn’t let my boyfriend regime his little dog and I don’t live him she is awful
Dave Waltz
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Read the story !!
Dan Owczarzak
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He did.
Penn Morris-Stoddard
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Good job!
Brody Cooper
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And you need a girlfriend at like dogs and love you and the dog
Birte Illes
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Get rid of here…..
Kylie Yahl
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Piss the “girlfriend” off keep the dog
Debra Wood
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Loved it!
Merie Jackson
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He should have listened to Molly sooner since she and the GF didn’t get along. Anyone that can’t get along with a beagle says it all.
Bobbie Mahoney
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that is a REAL man for keeping the Dog’
Merie Jackson
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Anyone that can’t get along with a beagle tells me what kind of person they are. Beagles are very good judges of character.
Susan Beesley
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Perfect solution!! Bye bye lady!!
Susan Davidson
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Get rid of the girlfriend
Maria Tourreilles
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Dump girl. Not worth your time.
Bernadette Tracey
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Get rid of your girlfriend. No brainer
Rosemary Clements
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Get rid of her now you will regret it
Joan Baumber
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That’s it! So he did!
Margie Rhodes
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You made the right choice
Virginia van Domselaar
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Bye bye ! Girlfriends like that are a dime a dozen! Loyal dogs are priceless!
Ann M. Holmes
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That’s what the ad was about his girlfriend NOT his beagle
Ann M. Holmes
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We own a Beagle and all though he can drive us CRAZY- I could NEVER get rid of him for anything- just looking at his cute face and floppy ears makes it all better!! Thank goodness he chose Molly!
Joe Franks
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Juanita Carlton
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Good for you. Molly needs you and really loves you. Good girl molly.
Julie Murchie
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I’m sure he did the right thing – good on him!
Pam Nobles
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Get rid of the gfriend
Taneya Loewen Coy
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You need to get rid of the girlfriend!!!!! I have 3 beagles.Shame on her what an idiot
Sweeny Garsia
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Diana Corless
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Agree get rid of girlfriend!!!
Mikale Galt
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Yep, I agree.
Heidi Haslam
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tell her to bugger off. yr dog is yours, dont let her tell u what to do theres plenty fish in the sea.