After four years together, a couple from Roanoke, Virginia, decided that it was time to move in together. Only, the guy soon discovered there would be a terrible price to pay.
See, his girlfriend didn’t care much for his beloved beagle, Molly—and if the two of them were to move in together, then Molly had to go. It was his girlfriend or his dog, and he had to choose!
At first, he didn’t take the news very well. But then he had an idea for how he could solve the problem. With a simple Craigslist ad, all his troubles were about to be over…
After a Roanoke, Virginia, man was forced to choose between his girlfriend, with whom he planned to move in, and his beagle, Molly, he only saw one way out. This was the Craigslist listing he posted soon after. It started off just like any other Craigslist ad…
Just wait until you read the rest of the ad on the next page!
Bev King
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Wise decision!
Patti LeBlanc Gedney
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Dump the girlfriend! The dog is a better companion!
Pat Howard
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Right choice. DUMP girl not dog
Ann Hancock
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I wonder what other plans his girlfriend planned on after she was……dug-in, shall we say.
Janice Hicks
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Dog stays, girlfriend goes-she is a loser!!!
Melanie Abbonizio
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Love this!!
Janice Quade
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best choice for you and your pup!
Hui Min Lim
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Read the ad till the end n you’ll realised that he is getting rid of his nasty girlfriend and not his beloved beagle pet.
Bill Grimes
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If you want to be loved keep your dog. Pack her bags.
Larah Davis
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Choose the dog. Always.
Shawn Tymony
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I would never give up my fur babies for ANYONE
Kea Renee
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Yes, hang the gf; keep the dog.
Pamela Forster
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Good choice, glad you kept your dog♡
Misti Baldonado Santillanes
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Tell the girlfriend she has to go not the dog
Vicki Harrington
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Jenni Douglas
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Ditch the$#%&!@*Girlfriend
Sharon Minehart
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Are you fuc¥#€ nuts?? Dump the broad, now!
Jessica Markin
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I you I will kick her
Mark Holder
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I was going to say ditch the chick. If she makes demands like this now, what’s she going to be like further down the road. There is no way on this earth I would even consider getting rid of my dog for anybody. My dog is my most loyal friend and companion, I can never say the same for any person I have ever met!
Jerry Lewellen
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Get a new girlfriend.
Jenn Bass
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I was in a 5yr. relationship. We split for a couple of months and I got a Choc. Lab puppy. We got back together and he just hated the puppy with a passion. It was a no brainer! HIT THE ROAD JACK!! !5yrs. later my Lab Riley and I are still together.
John Mark Gaston
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you DON’T need to get rid of the dog – you DO need to get rid of the girlfriend
Dora Sharpe
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She would have to go.
Albert William
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You did the right thiñ
Sheri Sullivan Daugherty
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Compromise perhaps?
Susan Mathew
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Looks like my dog.
Anita Wade
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Ditch the girlfriend and keep the dog, you won’t be sorry
Michael Bruckler
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Let the girl friend go
Scott Sherman
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Pretty funny Jim Miner!
Jackie O'Brien Anderson
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Get ride of the girlfriend not your dog.