Every group needs a peacemaker, and at this Korean doggie cafe, it’s an adorable Bichon Frise. After two dogs’ play fighting gets a bit too real, the Bichon comes in, breaks up the fight, and gives them a proper scolding!
Share this cute video with your friends and family!
Claudio P Finazzo
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Anabel Cabrera ayeksa
Gail Wilkinson
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How lovely is that..lol..
Tricia Ahrens
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He told them!
Henry Rios
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Jose Leon
Lisa Nickerson-Rhoades
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So who was recording this I’m disappointed in the human
Karen Sue Lee-Newingham
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Very cute picture
Sandy Kopec
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Melinda Richards.
Filippo Piedi
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Aleksandra Krstanovic maybe that is onr solution…
Ashleigh Fain Kinser
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Bichon and Yorkies are the best dogs!❤️❤️❤️
Geovanna Doumerc
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police puppy 🙂
Aleksandra Krstanovic
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Son in law material 🙂 xx
Erin Nissley
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Chrisie Calautti — this reminds me of Mooshie!
Teah Walker
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Vince and Jessica Do you remember when Chad used to do this at the dog park when the others got in fight
Linette Baumlein Kemner
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Kathleen Beck-Kemner
Kathleen Beck-Kemner
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Cute, thanks for sharing
Mika McBride
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Our cat does that whenever any of our 5 nasty. She always knows who started it and smacks them.
Sharese Colquitt
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Shannon Ronald Alecia Teuka
Karen Hoyt
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I think this is a set up for click bait… even worse
Adrian Kosinda
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Tara Kosinda
Diego Lazo Velapatiño
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Carolina Palomino Valverde!
Wilson Lim
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Alpha male
Cheetra Varian
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Brilliant…they were told…
Gayle Wheeldon
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Elisha Walsh xx
Elisha Walsh
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Sharon Walsh
Nam Phuong Pham
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Esteban J. Flores
Esteban J. Flores
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Aw that’s tubby
AshleyErick Gutierrez
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Elizabeth Uriarte
Luiz Nobre
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Rita Nobre Fernanda Nobre Igor Nobre Ian Nobre.
Jodi Shrier Savill
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Soooo cute!!
Isabel Rosa
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Ya sabemos quién es Alfa 😉
Nicole Geene
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Caroline Geene-Burggraaf
Sheri Schongold
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He sure did give them hell!!!
Marilyn Brown
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Guess we know who the boss is.
Maricha Alvarez
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ooooh go away
Jared Paris Greene
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What it’s like working in a psych hospital
Deana Jo Bennett
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That’s funny! Runs up and starts yelling, “you stop this right now! I’m serious, you both simmer down and be nice! Do you hear me? I mean it! Both of you behave!” 😀
Sarah Obadi
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The arrow in the picture is pointing to the wrong doggie, but stilla cute video!!! You get em!
Lesley Sharp
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Definitely the boss
Jean Farrell
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Instead of filming, maybe the human could break up the fight
Patty Masciale
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Elfriede Ruthlein Parker
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Good guy,brook up the fight,love it 🙂
Silvia Caruso
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Pat Rayner
Jeralyn Barcela
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He is the alfa
Jenny Clarke
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Very responsible I would have loved to know what he said
Patricia Hogan
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