Heartbroken Dachshund Calls Mommy Back With The Song Of His People!

Poor little Henry Winslow the dachshund is letting the whole world know that his mommy has gone away and left him.

Henry’s parents own a store where Henry helps out and gets to spend every day with his mom. But Mom has left to run errands and Henry isn’t coping well.

He lifts his head to the heavens and lets everyone around him know about it. He changes up the volume and tone every few seconds which makes it even more hilarious.

Daddy is there in the store with him but that doesn’t ease Henry's separation anxiety. He's a mama's boy and just wants his mommy back.

He whines one side and then turns to whine the other. He thinks if he spreads the sound around he will be making quite sure that whichever way mommy went she will hear it

Check out the video on the next page to see Henry let the world know what he thinks about Mommy leaving him.

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310 thoughts on “Heartbroken Dachshund Calls Mommy Back With The Song Of His People!

  1. The poor kid! He sings the song well, but it breaks my heart to hear it. He knows Momma will be back but they can’t keep time so it feels like forever! Poor baby, Mommy will be back! 🙂 <3

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