Humans have painted their bodies with temporary paint since our earliest history. There are places in the world where bodypaint is still an important part of rites and rituals, but most modern bodypainting is done for the purely aesthetic pleasure of admiring the artwork.
An incredible piece titled “The Wolf” is currently stunning people around the world via a video posted to the artist's YouTube channel. A lone wolf howls before a snowy backdrop, with sounds of a moaning wind completing the effect.
When the wolf falls silent, the models separate to reveal how they had been positioned and painted to create the beautiful wolf.
Johannes Stötter, the artist who created the work, is a completely self-taught bodypainter who has won several world championship bodypainting competitions since first displaying his work in 2009.
He is well-known for his nature-based work, painting bodies of all shapes and sizes to blend in with trees, rocks, animals and fruits.
Check out the incredible body-painting that transforms 3 people into a ‘wolf' in the video on the next page!
J.r. Schill
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a painted body
Josh Maya
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Carlos Cruz
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More than a wolf showing
Tom Pesek
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uh, who cares…
Robert Carlton
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Less than five.
Fiona Milgate
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Сhihuahua Beds
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Gloria Prulello
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Seconds… lol
Brenda Wood
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Pat Cretilli
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10 sec.
Joanne Caldwell
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Not long.
Michele Chrzaszcz
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The mountain man??.Mike
Anne Ward
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Emily Ward
John R. Farley Jr.
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Immediately, but it’s still impressive.
Gill Bennett
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I can see naked women
Jim Stephenson
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Body art?
Barbara Annie Ferguson
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Yes, person leaning against wolf, FAKE
Angela Paxton
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Bradley Paxton Nicholas Paxton
Emma O'Hare
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Saw it right away.
Joan Ranstead
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There is a picture within the picture of the wolf.
Derek Rose
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(It’s people)
Charisse Glenn
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Julia Huffman
Joanne Mayede
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Joanne Brandt
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Kelly Jacobus
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right away, even before i saw the wolf..
Julia Huffman
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Pam Duke
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Archana Maharaj
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Its nice
Karyn Myatt Bob Garforth
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Not until I saw video, amazing talent
Hahn Edna
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There is more animals clinging in his back??? I see a monkey ,i see a racoon.
Branko Klein
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Gladys Keith
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About 5 seconds beautiful
Bart Sofie
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A human too
Katharine Swain
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WOW!!!! This is brilliant Amy Hamilton
Lee Wright
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Yes, I see it!
Amy Bourgeois Stanks
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Vip Hale
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Susan Wilson
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No one’s mind is blown over this.
Annette Harrington
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Mary J. Hickey, another one of those amazing body paint jobs.
Deb Levasseur
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Literally a monkey non his back
Ruth Armitage
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3people ??
Ruth Armitage
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1 down the front ,one kneeling in the middle,one down the back,??
Amanda Warnock
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It’s people painted to look like animals
Roger Graves Sr.
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Colbee Johnson
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Person on the wolf
Angie Stewart
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That is pretty damn cool would of taken ages to do