Elderly Woman Hears Something Howling Behind Her House And Realizes She’s Going To Need Help

Moms are notoriously protective of their little ones. From tigers to human moms, it’s just their natural instinct to keep their children close until they’re ready to leave the nest, so to speak.

That’s why Gwen Maxwell was so stunned by what she witnessed recently behind her home near Phoenix, Arizona. As she looked out into her backyard, she spotted a coyote pup who was rolling on the ground in pain, trying to remove several cholla cactus spines embedded in his skin.

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When rescuers finally arrived, they moved in to grab the pup, but not before noticing that its mother was just a stone’s throw away. That’s when they realized what she was doing…

When 86-year-old Arizona resident Gwen Maxwell noticed a coyote pup howling in pain in her backyard, she immediately called for help. A worker from Pebblebrook Golf Course, Jose Soto, and assistant superintendent Shawn Bordine arrived shortly after.


The pup had gotten into a cholla cactus and was struggling to remove the spines from his body and mouth. The workers rushed to help, but something suddenly made them stop dead in their tracks: the pup’s mother was nearby.

Instead of protecting her pup from the men, however, she seemed to be eager for them to lend a hand. So they pulled out a pair of pliers and did just that.


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107 thoughts on “Elderly Woman Hears Something Howling Behind Her House And Realizes She’s Going To Need Help

  1. God bless the lady that called the authorities to help the coyote puppy, and the people that came out to help. the mom knew what was going on and she realized that the puppy would be OK. children and animals, you can’t fool them.

  2. Poor little creature. Those spines leave a poison under the skin that burns and itches too. Having had my own run in with cactus, I know the pain. I’m so glad the men were able to unleash the pup from those spines. Bet he gives them a wide berth next time he goes near them. God bless the workers and the woman who called for their help. <3

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