Most dogs love going on rides, especially when they know that they're headed to the park or going on a road trip.
Watching a dog enjoy a car ride is a true delight. His head is up, the wind is blowing through his fur, and there is an unmistakable look of pure happiness on his face.
You can’t help but smile, because you know that feeling of unadulterated bliss. It always makes me smile when I see cars with dogs sticking out their heads (who seem to be smiling most of the time).
Tommy the Cocker Spaniel loves to go on car rides too, but not like most other dogs who love sticking out their heads out the window with joy. He's happy to ride only if his human, Adam Douglas, holds his hand!
More: 20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Me To Tears…
Adam caught the sweet moment with his iPhone (safely set up in a holder for hands free calls). Adam says Tommy can’t drive without holding hands and always makes sure Tommy’s buckled in safely before any drive. What a sweet dog!
Check out the adorable video of Tommy the Cocker Spaniel insisting on his human to hold his hand while driving on the next page:
Barbara Cychosz Troutt
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That is so precious
Jed Turner
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Mahlah Turner yep. About right
Arpels Philippe
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So cute, my female cocker needed as much contact! I am not surprised.
Judi Ure
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so adorable
Carolyn Lamb
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So gorgeous. Murphy, my Cocker, is very similar- wanting to be tickled the whole time he’s in the car.
Jay Glass
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Same as mine v
Debra E Shelton
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Mine does the same thing, especially with my husband. She hates when I’m with them, I sit in her seat.
James Muddell
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Mine sits in the back
Usha Shriram
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Sharanya Shriram
Joan Sneddon
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Adorable ❤️ ❤️
Deborah Addesso
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My Shealeigh did this……
Bonnie Bledsoe
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So sweet!!! ❤️
Helen Ousley
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That’s so sweet. Cockers are the most lovable dogs
Tina Twigg
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My dog has a car harness, he loves car rides
Marcia Maddox Reed
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John MacCrimmon
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Stacey MacCrimmon
Linda Hamilton
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Our wee cocker spaniel does that too. Just melts my heart. Adorable.
Mike Ambruso Jr
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He’s trying to tell you the steering wheel is on wrong side
Janice Desjardins Mclennan
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My cocker, Ben, does not like the windows open and sits facing me as I drive…he never looks out the windows unless the car is parked.
Sharon McClure
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Nathan McClure Gavin McClure
There’s dimey’ s everywhere
Elsie Simpson
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Michael Patterson
Susan Ariss
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Reminds me of my beautiful golden cockers Brea Freya they loved they loved to go in the car both play now in rainbow bridge safe free from pain
Luke Fitzpatrick
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Csiga M Fitzpatrick
Rowena Atkinson
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Lynne Monaghan
Sarah Livingston
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So cute
Lynne Monaghan
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Great video
Debi Buttigieg
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Ray Buttigieg
Ray Buttigieg
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So damn cute.
Ray Buttigieg
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Peta, you will love this.
Peta N Rob Pascuzzo
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Too cute!!!
Marie Taylor
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Marissa Taylor
Chelsey Dionne Worgan
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Exactly like my girl. Yep its a cocker thing
Maria Foster
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Emily Foster
Shaddie McGlone
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Justin Barnes too cute.
Mike Flannery
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Our Cocker takes the same ride every week to groomer, and still gets all flustered… panting and whimpering and as soon as she gets to groomer she’s fine.. she won’t take a treat neither…
Eliane Lúcia Fortes
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Ana Luiza Fortes
Ai Lyn
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Kurt Ado Dulay Apurada chuki
Heidi Over
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David Over
Nicky Perry
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Sam Perry
Penny Anderson
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My boy max gets anxious in the car too,,
Heidi Haslam
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well he feels secure when u hold his paw so sweet.
Cathie Karalius
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cute as hell
Millie Schramm
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bless the fur babies heart! love
Dornellas Cristina
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O meu cocker ama sair de carro…acho o máximo….