Whenever dad grabs his “walking” shoes… this Boxer does THIS, and it’s HILARIOUS!

Have you ever heard of the term ‘pre-departure cues'? It's what your dogs pick up on (e.g. your every movement.. lol) prior to your leaving.

For example, if you grab your car keys, or your coat and hat, and make your way to the door, your dog gets anxious right away.

Well, this is exactly what's happening with this Boxer. Whenever dad grabs his “walking” shoes, Brock the Boxer dog expects dad to ask him to go for a walk.

What happens if dad ignores Brock after he puts on his “walking” shoes?

Watch the video on the next page to find out: it's HILARIOUS!!!

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832 thoughts on “Whenever dad grabs his “walking” shoes… this Boxer does THIS, and it’s HILARIOUS!

  1. Yes for sure! Had (2) boxers several years ago/Mama & Son!!!! They always knew when I was leaving…would jump up immediately & run to door of course! Highly intelligent doggies & great with children too! Sadly, both have walked over Rainbow Bridge but am sure they are still very active & loving doggies. RIP Sadie & Major!

  2. Mine too, she knows the certain shoes means a walk. Runs in circles and does the bean dance! Love it! She also knows tho when I put on sandles and say I have to go to the store or doctor that means she cant go along and she lays down on watch patrol. They are so smart and funny!

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