Boxer Meets Newborn Baby For The Very First Time, And It’s The Sweetest Thing Ever!

Some people may say that it's too dangerous and risky to bring bring a baby into a home with a big dog…

…let alone letting the dog come anywhere near the baby, but dogs do make for loving, protective family members.

That's exactly the case here as Scout the Boxer gets introduced to and meets his newborn baby sister for the very first time! It's the sweetest thing ever!

Check out their precious first encounter and Scout's priceless reaction on the next page:

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1,143 thoughts on “Boxer Meets Newborn Baby For The Very First Time, And It’s The Sweetest Thing Ever!

  1. My boxer suffered spontaneous heart blocks and would recover if you quietly massaged his chest. When I arrived home from hospital with my newborn son, Freddie promptly collapsed on the floor but as usual recovered with some TLC. Loved that beautiful dog who became “guardian” to his new brother!!!

  2. My old boy only ever took a dislike to one person, that person came to visit my parents and my boy sat infront of my Dad in the living room just staring and growling at this person for well over an hour. Shortly after we got a puppy german sheppard to keep our boy company and didn’t see that person visit again for about 5 years, the next time he came our sheppard had grown to the size of donkey! our boxer was out in the back garden so through no influence of his our sheppard took one look at this person and instantly went and sat infront of my mum and started seriously growling at him and then our boxer came belting into the living room and resumed his previous position from years before infront of my dad growling at this guy lmao needless to say he didn’t stay long that time. All those years of having those two goofy gentle giants and that guy was the only one they both independently just did not like, everyone else they wanted to lick an cuddle to death lol

  3. Boxers are truly amazing around babies. They are so loving with them and will lick them all over if you let them. They really are wonderful dogs with babies and children. Awesome.

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