Have you ever seen the Tumblin' Stuart Talking Plush? Kids love this toy. This cheeky little character looks just like he does in the Despicable Me and Minion movies.
He falls forwards and backwards in a silly tumbling motion before getting back on his feet. Always one to find the funny side, this Tumblin' Stuart Talking Plush also laughs and talks in his original movie voice.
There's no wonder the kids spend hours playing with this adorable toy. But will the Beagle enjoy Stuart's company as much as the kids do?
Well, it turns out beagles don't really like the minions. Especially when they talk back to you :-).
Check out the adorable encounter (battle?!) between “Tumblin' Stuart” The Minion and the beagles on the next page!
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Bethan Cooper
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Holly Pop
Tasha Deans
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Amanda Thomson xx
Laura Gormaz
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Did those beagles really eat bananas!!!!!
Nick Proell
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Kayla Brown
Tina Platfoot
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Harley used to do the same thing when he could still see.
Jaimi Vance
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Ryan Hiscock
Louise Louise
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Sooo cute !!!!
Jenna Kate
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Jeremy Edward
Shing Yu
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Grace Yu Taylor EA Tour Jennifer Hodson
Mark Hamilton-Jones
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Jess Hunter
Chris Huffnus
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Louie and Marie are hilarious
Katie Wassgren
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Kendra Wassgren
Angel Emmanuel Bosch
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Ana Gabriela Virella
Jess Hunter
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That’s so baxxys bark
James Jones
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Emma x
Robert Cole
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beautiful pair of Beagles
Emma Lawton
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Gorgeous Beagles x
Trevor Davis
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Teresa this is one of the beagles from Louie and Marie that I follow.
Teresa Tigner
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Too cute!
Trevor Davis
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Marie had the one brown leg and Louie is the older of the two.
Teresa Tigner
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Funny, Funny!!!
Jodie Mcneill
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Marianne Mcneill John Mcneill Liam Mcneill
Sharon Hollas
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Tracey Allardyce need to show this to your mum xx luv it
Matthew Stejskal
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Veronica Hejnar
Thomas Poole
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Magan Burks Poole
Jennifer Seagraves
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Brian Frazier
Ashleigh Young
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Chris Young
Katya Alina
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Rob Adams
Adrian Pinazza
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Caroline Moose Renzo
Corrine Ranieri
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Meagan Miller
Keeley Smith
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James x
Keeley Smith
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Yeardley x
James Garnett
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Wish you wouldn’t do this to me keeley , but I like it xx
Kaye Taylor
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That is so cute. We have a beagle named Mickey and he is awesome.
Lori Ann Luder
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Ryan Luder Lori Lae Luder
Meylin Baez
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Sandra Maria Hurtado
Debbie Brooke
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I follow them 2, great channel ☺️
Dean Paul
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Hayley Bree
Kevin Renn
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Elisa Beth
Chris Kilsby
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Alison Kilsby
Emma Voulgaris
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Elle Bvlgari
Chloe Jessop
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Zoe Wright
Lauren Dennick
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Louie the beagle fi Fi Dennick
Fi Dennick
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Scotti Deutsch
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Heather Rutt Deutsch
Molly Teague
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Bertie Teague
Bertie Teague
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Awww they don’t like it
Bertie Teague
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Walking off with their bananas
Marina D'Amico
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Karen Baum-D’Amico
Strumpety Strumpet
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Love Louie the Beagle and Marie 🙂