A family’s dog passed away. 2 days later, they received a sign that let them know everything was Ok

Bandit the dog was everything to the Callaghan family. They rescued him years ago and were his fourth home. He had an array of health problems, but the Callaghans always did their best to keep him happy.

Twitter/ _c80_ (Catie Callaghan)

He had countless surgeries in his 15 years of life, and sadly passed away at the end of his last procedure. The Callaghan family was devastated to lose their furry best friend.

Twitter/ _c80_ (Catie Callaghan)

Two days after Bandit had passed away, his human mom noticed something that gave her chills. Bandit’s water bowl was still left out, since the family had been too busy grieving to pack up his belongings.

When she looked down at it, she was shocked to see that the remaining water had formed a smiley face inside the bowl.

Twitter/ _c80_ (Catie Callaghan)

Some might think this is just a coincidence and the natural settling of water, but Callaghan believes it’s a sign from doggy heaven to let her know that Bandit is okay.

Twitter/ _c80_ (Catie Callaghan)

Callaghan’s daughter, Catie, snapped a photo of the smiley face bowl and posted it on Twitter. It quickly went viral, getting over 13,000 retweets. Hundreds of Twitter users offered their condolences.

Twitter/ _c80_ (Catie Callaghan)

Another person replied to her tweet with a similar picture stating, “I had the same thing! Early 2015; cried on the drive to work because I missed my dog. Looked down & saw this.”

Twitter/ _c80_ (Catie Callaghan)

So maybe doggie heaven exists after all! But we already know that all dogs go to heaven!

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107 thoughts on “A family’s dog passed away. 2 days later, they received a sign that let them know everything was Ok

  1. Oh,give me a break people!!! Water puddles do not mean your dog is sending you messages. I have had rescue Pugs for the last 57 years of my life. I have lost many, many very best friends. I loved them all with all my heart. And I have a little shrine set up in my house with their ashes and pictures. I know I will never see them again….and there is a big hole in my heart, that will not heal….but messages in food and water bowls, really people!!!!!

  2. Jessica, our precious Bubba (salt & pepper schnauzer. 13.5 yrs old with cancer — we had initial cancer removed, but it returned and he was so sick, he could not even keep a sip of water down), showed himself to me in the clouds one afternoon, while I was sitting on the beach. I was so sure it was Bubba, that I took a picture!
    Several years later, while driving to Augusta to pick up Dee Dee, I looked up and “saw” Bubba, again. I, literally, asked him why “he” was there, why was I was “seeing” him. About a week later, I learned that a doggie friend of his, Cinnamon, had passed away on the very day that I “saw” Bubba. I guess Bubba came to lead Cinnamon to the “Rainbow Bridge.” Keep your eyes and heart open to Zoe, she loved you so much, she’ll send you a sign that she’s ok in heaven in Our Lord.

  3. I asked ‘someone / something’ for a rainbow before I walked on the Isle of Palms beach where I used to always walk Max. At the end of my walk, a rainbow spread across the ocean in the sky. True story. Could not believe it. Then… I cried like a baby on the beach. That was our beach. We always walked it. …Always feels nice when I dream about Max because it is so real, and I get to see him again. The signs are coming……. Talk to her, let her know you love her…. maybe she’s still there, and if she is, I know she would like to hear from you. And she is certainly in your heart. <3 (Never hurts to have hope.)

  4. It truly will always be a grieving process…my family had a miniature schnauzer as well he passed away in 2005 due to complications from diabetes and I cry anytime I see a dog movie or think about him and it’s been over 10years. I miss Pepper dearly I’m so sorry for your loss it’s so hard

  5. I believe in signs ,ours was the beautiful Sunset two days later ,it was the Hali clouds that convinced me and the Red colors ,the same color as our dog,another time it was a cloud with an opening, like a window and than another cloud passed past and it was u. The shape of our dogs face and shoulder, in awe

  6. About 20 years ago, I lost a long-term cat to a fox; that cat had traveled all over the country. Three days after she disappeared my then wife and I were standing in our large kitchen when we both distinctly heard her meow at the cat food area; she had a very unique voice! We both turned around and our remaining cat raced into the kitchen: the food dish was empty! It really made me cry! But we immediately knew our little white Tenique was safe & sound…

  7. Yes. I have proof as well. This is the ghost of my passed dog, Skippy under the table by my six month old puppy, Garbo. They are looking at one another, and there is an orb over Skippy.

  8. Do not disregard things you have yet to experience when you have you will understand an open mind helps
    Believe what you will just because you don’t doesn’t mean there is nothing different things make us happy so why spoil that for others x

  9. Nope i had a dog for 11yrs an another who was poisoned. Read your bible more you will see they dont go to heaven kymm. But animals are not human an yes they have feelings

  10. Yes I do my doggie use to walk around the floor n his lil feet would potter patter and make noise n after he passed I would hear lil feet putter patter on the wooden floor while I was asleep

  11. Let me put it to you this way. A dog is the greatest source of pure, undefiled, unconditional love on this entire planet. There’s no way creator God would let that much tremendous power dissipate into nothingness at death.

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