Adorable Labrador Caught Eating Three-Tier Wedding Cake Hours Before Ceremony

We're all very familiar with that look that dogs give us when they know they've done something naughty. Some of them even get away with mischief solely on the basis that they look adorable.

Sometimes they might have torn up a shoe, or the newspaper, or even that brand new couch that you had delivered last month. But when it's something related to to a very special occasion, that's when they need to be told off.

Bella the black Labrador was caught red-handed eating a three-tiered wedding cake, just hours before the happy couple were due to get married. Bridesmaid Gemma went to her sister Donna's place on the day of the wedding to pick up the cake, which cost £120 ($157), and discovered the dog had chewed through one side of the chocolate sponge.

The 32-year-old told the Chronicle Live: “When I got there, Donna's face had dropped and I honestly thought they had called off the wedding.”

Wedding cake
Credit: Handout

“We walked through to the kitchen and Bella had ruined the cake. Donna started crying and we just didn't know what to do.

“It turned out Donna's husband Liam had let the dog out at night but forgot to close her cage. It was all his fault.”

They raced around Stanley, County Durham trying to find a replacement and eventually DH9 Café came through with the goods and baked a cake in three hours. Bella was also fine.

Hilariously, the soon-to-be husband and wife, Scott and Jackie, had no idea about the drama until after the ceremony. Scott told the newspaper: “I had no idea. We got to the venue and after having our photographs we went up to the top table.

“Donna asked if I liked the cake and then told me it wasn't ours. I couldn't believe it when she said the dog ate it.”

While it's an outrageous and unfortunate story, it doesn't appear to be an isolated incident. People on social media have been sharing their stories of dogs ruining wedding cakes. Actor Selma Hayek recently shared her story on Ellen of the awkward time her two canines got a bit too hungry one day.

She tells the daytime TV host how Lupe and Angie were munching on a person's beautiful wedding cake and weren't going to leave until they were full.

Even though it might upset a few people at a wedding, at least they've got a good story to tell later on.

Featured Image Credit: Handout

17 thoughts on “Adorable Labrador Caught Eating Three-Tier Wedding Cake Hours Before Ceremony

  1. Rule of thumb for Lab owners…Never, I mean NEVER leave food unintended, even when the Lab is not in the room (the nose of a Lab can detect food at great distances)….I learned that after a half dozen missing sandwiches…..I was a slow leaner.

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