Dogs come in more shapes and sizes than any other species on the planet. And boxers are no exception.
These unreal pics of boxer crossbreeds might shock you at first, but they are REAL.
But one things for sure… I don’t really care what they are I just want to hug them.
If you love Boxers as much as we do, then you’re sure to love these 9 gorgeous Boxer cross breed mixes.
Check out the pics on the next page! We’re definitely in love with number 5 !!!
Barb Reno Caudillo
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I once had a boxer/lab mix, she was a knockout
Somer Rae Bizzle
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When my Reptar was little, people often asked if he was a Boxer puppy.
Sammy Fielding
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Adam Chip Fielding
Karen Ricks
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Boxer Boston is adorable but still like my Boxer only Boxer best!
Chuck Farrelly
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Font click. Minefield of clickbait. Lower standards everyday by pawbuzz
Melissa Mansingh
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My beans (the black dog) is a boxer/catahoula leopard dog and our rice (white dog) is believe it or not a boxer/ French bull dog/ and mutt. Love them to pieces.
Darrell Terry
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Pure boxer and she is the best.
Kristin Carnahan
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We adopted ours and she’s absolutely wonderful. I’ve always been curious as to what she’s mixed with. I’m leaning toward lab but I’m not sold on that either…any guesses?
Kristin Carnahan
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In this pic she really does look like a lab but its funny…if her ears flop a certain way or she lays a certain way, she’s made herself look like so many different breeds it’s almost entertaining!
Tj Giese
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Almost looks close to a Great Dane & boxer mix
Tj Giese
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This is what my lab boxer loss like
Tj Giese
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This is my boxer and i have a lab boxer mix.
Kristin Carnahan
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That’s crossed my mind too. There are times when she’s laying down and her ears “flop up” such that they point up like a great dane and she does look like one. A 52# great dane. Haha! She also loves to track when she’s out and we’re on walks.
Tj Giese
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She is a beautiful boxer mix though
Kristin Carnahan
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Thank you! Yours is as well!
Bobby Stokes
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95% pure Boxer, 2.5% circus clown, 2.5% Satan. Love him to the moon and back!
Beth Wise Harris
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Sarah Reed Huntley they’re all so cute!
Judi Nelson Spayde
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Mark Williamson
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Amanda Ellen
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Definitely has a great Dane look
Kyle Branch Barnes
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April Ocker
Hannah Ploense
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Jacob Ploense
Marcelle Ploense
#1: is Millie
Jennifer Garcia
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Bullboxer’s are the best combination ever. It brings the best out of both breeds in one dog.
Kelsey Shanks
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Derek Casey
Adam Gordon
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Hannah Gordon Raenelle Klokkevold-Gordon
Curtis Emerson
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Sam Miller #4?
Curtis Emerson
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Or #7
Audrey Swieczkowski
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Sizzle our boxer Lab
Sam Miller
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Dasha Stetson
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How big is rice?
Marcelle Ploense
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Especially those big beagle ears
Bryan Gazo
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Bryanna Gazo
Matthew Collins
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Nikki Economou Collins
Nikki Economou Collins
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love them all!
Clay Kitchen
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Debbie Watral Kitchen
Sarah Reed Huntley
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I want them all lol!!! I
April Rice
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Claire. Boxer/Chesapeake bay retriever mix
Beth Wise Harris
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Me too!
Susan Ryan
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Cloe Nolen
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90% boxer, 10% crazy. Unless you ask our male of course, he thinks he’s 100% human
Cassie Shamp
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Boxerman….Boxer Doberman mix.
Jennifer Hogeland
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Major (white/brindle) is a Bulloxer and Millie is full blooded boxer.
Paul Smith
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A cross is a mongrel nothing else .
Jenn Scott
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Our “mini boxer” (boston/boxer) almost year old-about 24” at shoulder and prob 40 lbs
Mitzy L
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Looks almost like my Max
Torstein Frønsdal
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After 6 boxers I have tried a mix. Mother – White Boxer, father- Rottweiler, Leonberger, German Sheppard.
Denisse Franco
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I have a Boxer and Pit mix. Love him to pieces.
Ann Terry Moore
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Our baby is mixed and we love her
Beth Nesin Culligan
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Lab/boxer mix! Our heart ❤
April Rice
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This is Claire. She is a boxer/chesepeake bay retriever mix