5 Problems Only Yorkshire Terrier Owners Will Understand

1. You can never eat dinner without a pair of watching eyes on the side.

hungry yorkies

2. Just when you think they’ve grown out of the puppy stage, this happens:

naughty yorkie

3. Their wonderfully weird sleeping positions never cease to amaze you:

Yorkshire Terrier sleep funny

4. You can never say ‘no’ to those eyes. They’ll melt the hardest of hearts.

Yorkshire Terrier dog face

5. Your bed is no longer just your bed.

cute yourkie face

669 thoughts on “5 Problems Only Yorkshire Terrier Owners Will Understand

  1. So very very true. Mine never chewed anything. They are so sweet and loyal. The little tiny., however a lap dog. I raised my Son with Yorkies. We had a little bitty on, he’s name was Zero. He thought he was a Great Dane ! Precious little Angels

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