[Video] Military Dog Reunites With Soldier After Years Apart. When They Open The Gate, He Runs Full Speed

After a two-year separation, the ­moment war dog Django spotted his best friend and handler Sheldon Holland through the gates of Johannesburg’s quarantine kennels, his ears pricked up.

With fur bristling, Django bolted ­towards Holland the second he was released.

Tail wagging and tongue flailing, Django flew into the open arms of an emotional Holland and showered him with slobbery kisses and playful nips.

The Pietermaritzburg local and former American K9 explosives handler had been paired with the German Shepherd in Kandahar, Afghanistan, four years ago. The pair had immediately formed an unbreakable bond.

More: 20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Me To Tears…

Working side by side for 18 months, the two became inseparable and when Holland finished his contract with the AMK9 unit, he promised his furry friend that he would one day live with him in South Africa.

After two years of separation and a lengthy, complicated process, Holland reunites with his best friend he thought he would never see again was finally on his way to South Africa.

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂

44 thoughts on “[Video] Military Dog Reunites With Soldier After Years Apart. When They Open The Gate, He Runs Full Speed

  1. Santiago J Thomas I don’t get chance 9/10 he’s behind me, he’s only 20 mths old but I was his 6th owner when he was 7 1/2 mths old but he the most protective boy I have ever known, and he’s a darling xx

  2. I got my rescue GSD last Feb at 71/2 mths old, I was then with him every day, in September I started working only 6 hrs a day for 2 days, that first day I got in and Bear ran at me crying and kissing me, then when i sat down he sat on my knees for hour whimpering, even now 10 mths later I still get a kiss and cuddles and he misses me so much, but he’s a little darling and wouldn’t have it any other way xx

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