20 Things All Labrador Owners Must Never Forget

One of the best dogs for children of all ages, Labrador Retrievers are kindly, good-natured, and take most things in stride.

Most Labrador Retrievers are very friendly with everyone, though compared to Golden Retrievers, many Labs are just a bit more conservative with their affections.

It’s been often said that dogs are the only creatures on earth that love you more than they love themselves. Well, Labrador Retrievers are no exception!

But sometimes, we take our furry friends and wonderful companions for granted. There are important life lessons that are sometimes easy to forget in our hectic lives, that all Lab owners must never forget.

If we want to pay back the favor and give them the best life possible, these 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome Labrador owners. The last one (#20) brought me to tears…

Check out the 20 Things All Labrador Owners Must Never Forget on the next page:

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3,956 thoughts on “20 Things All Labrador Owners Must Never Forget

  1. I have two labs, only a lab owner can understand the love I have for them. They have been there for me, I have been going through a lot of health problems. They are as close to me without sitting in my lap. Everyone should read the 20 statements.

  2. Anyone who has labs know that they don’t depart but rest in our hearts. Had to say goodbye to my boy of ten years just a week back. Devastated is a very mild word ,my home seems empty even though there are another three. He was and will always be my heart dog. My boy Simba.

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