Two Dogs Die In Hot Car While Their Owner Was Attending A Dog Training Class

Two dogs have died after their owner left them in the car while she was in a lecture.

A woman was attending a dog training class in High Ridge, Missouri, to learn how to become a paid dog trainer.

While she was in the class, she left her car running with the air-conditioner on high, but sadly the car ran out of gas and turned off.


By the time she left the class and walked back to her car, she found her Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd dead inside.

The outside temperature topped 90 degrees that day, and the dogs ended up being stuck in the scorching hot car after it turned off.

Tom Rose, the owner of the dog training center, Tom Rose School, said the death of the dogs were the result of a “terrible accident.”

Due to the nature of the incident, the police were not called.


According to the Humane Society, on a warm day, the temperature in a car can exceed 120 degrees in a matter of minutes, even with the windows rolled down. Your pet can quickly suffer brain damage or die from suffocation or heatstroke.

If you seen an animal locked in a hot car, please call your local animal care and control agency and/or police department.

Also, be sure to know the laws in your area, as some states allow Good Samaritans to remove animals from cars under certain circumstances.

H/T to St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

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