14 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time

Chihuahuas are comical, entertaining, and loyal little dogs, absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed.

With its big eyes, big ears, and bigger-than-life attitude, the Chihuahua is the epitome of cocky canine in a petite package.

This pint-sized pooch is master of his universe and fears nothing, characteristics that make him a most suitable pet for some people and the worst possible choice for others.

Well, whatever the case may be, there are reasons to believe that Chihuahuas are actually the worst indoor dog breed EVER!

Check out the 14 reasons why Chihuahuas are actually the worst indoor dog breed of all time on the next page!

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2,216 thoughts on “14 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time

  1. I had 1 chihuahua, her name was Sweet Pea, she died 3 months ago. I loved her so very much. we were joined at the hip. We were always together, I’m ready for another Chihuahua, I’m hooked. They are adorable, and very easy to love, and they love you back.

  2. My chihuahuas loved everyone, but especially children, she would bring them her ball and back up waiting for them to throw it,she was 8 months old when my first grandson was born, from the day she met him she loved him,she’s gone now, but I have pictures of them together that reminds me of what a special little girl she was

  3. That is not true, my 2 chihuahuas love kids, my 2 nephews and my 2 god sons, and my nieces…they love everyone, they are part of the family and play and love on them just the same as an adult!

  4. Well you got lucky, young kids don’t know how to handle these little dogs, my last one I got because the girl had a baby, the dog was jealous and snapped the baby in the face, so they had to get rid of her, I took her in, she has done so well, she is so much company for me, she is 13, and totally blind, and has a severe heart mummer but does quite well, but if she hears a baby cry on tv, she growls

  5. We have 2…A toy girl and a 6 lb boy. They are just a joy to have but they can be high maintenance. You know this going in. The love they give back is well worth it! Their little personalities are something else! It is true, they are very loyal to one person and tolerate the rest!

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