14 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time

Chihuahuas are comical, entertaining, and loyal little dogs, absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed.

With its big eyes, big ears, and bigger-than-life attitude, the Chihuahua is the epitome of cocky canine in a petite package.

This pint-sized pooch is master of his universe and fears nothing, characteristics that make him a most suitable pet for some people and the worst possible choice for others.

Well, whatever the case may be, there are reasons to believe that Chihuahuas are actually the worst indoor dog breed EVER!

Check out the 14 reasons why Chihuahuas are actually the worst indoor dog breed of all time on the next page!

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2,216 thoughts on “14 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time

  1. My chi was a sweet dog. But now his starting to bite people that he loves. We have no idea why he starting now. I am about to have a baby next week me and my husband are afraid what’s going to happen when the baby gets here.? My dog gets all the attention now.

  2. Your chi senses what is happening and knows he will lose a lot of attention. Just keep giving him lots of love and attention. Make him feel he is involved in everything around the baby so that is assured he is not being replaced

  3. My Chihuahuas sleep with me.Im a cancer patients and honestly I doubt is of made it if I didn’t have them.I grant you they own you and you don’t own them .But when Im really hurting they stay close to me .one sleeps on,my side havent quite figured that one out yet but he sleeps on my left side .My onocologist said thats fine they sleep with me or on me .

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