Rottweilers are one of those breeds that have a ‘reputation', and the perception many people have of them isn't even close to the reality.
The Rottweiler is a robust, powerful, and loyal dog with strong protective instincts. They are outstanding companions and protectors.
Because of the Rottweiler’s size, strength, and protectiveness, owning a Rottweiler carries a great deal of responsibility and commitment.
Rottweiler's temperament vary from natural clowns, affectionate to almost everyone, to the very reserved one-man dog. Rottweilers are calm and alert companions.
Rottweilers often follow their masters around the house keeping a constant and sometimes obtrusive watch over their loved ones.
If you are considering to own a rottweiler, or you’ve just become a new rottie owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.
Check out the twelve realities new rottweiler owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a rottie owner, see if you can relate!
Simone Gearman
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Mooch Gearman look at this little guy
Phillip Swile
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Troy Rooster Webster Megan Wade
Susan Manning
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So true in all ways
Shanna Oldroyd
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Jessica Johnson
Shanna Oldroyd
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Trent Oldroyd
Sarah Cranwell
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Justin O’Brien Clair Peers Scott Telha
Rochelle Newton
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She loves her car rides
Scott Telha
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So true
Debbie Douglas
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This is my sons very loyal rottie Knox
Debbie Douglas
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Ours raids the bin every single time he comes inside
Maria Helen Cruickshank
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It’s those eyes looking up at you when they know they’ve been bad, that’s why they get away with it lol
Dee Louise
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Hayley Sorgiovanni
Sabrina Branson Muse RN
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Heather Mozingo-Branson
Meghan Sarbo
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Dillon Sowards
Lisa Mottram
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I love my girl so much
Daniel Angelo Caschera
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AWWWWWW❤❤ 6 & 9
Michelle Glen
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Thanos love’s his cuddles.
Sinead Gemmell
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Joe Parr
Michelle Glen
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This is Thanos waiting for his Tablets at the vets. Ha ha.
Shannon Robinson
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Darius Duncan
Mark Patton
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Love my boy!
Matt While
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Jaime Torgrimson
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Possessed puppy
Matt While
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Quit braking the puppy
Jaime Torgrimson
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I didn’t break her. She’s just hyper and not sitting still. She’s fine, four way tug of war with the octopus!
Luis Rodarte
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Vanessa Rodarte lol
Doreen Stevens
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So true I have had rottweilers for 28 years they are the best breed of a dog I have ever know. Easy to train and very loyal. I would recommend this breed to anyone with or without kids. Until you own one you won’t understand why people say they are one of the best breeds to have.
Vanessa Rodarte
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Ha truth be told..
Sandra Fitton
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Everyone is true. I miss my beautiful Rotties everyday m.. x
Lisa Mottram
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So sorry, am dreading losing my girl so much xx
Lisa Mottram
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Beautiful girl xx
Jo Holland
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Thank You Lisa Mottram, enjoy every moment you can with your girl. I dreaded losing my boy too, unfortunately nothing can prepare you. My boy didn’t leave a hole in my life he left a huge crater. xx
Ashley Brice
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MichelleBrice Jason Brice
Michelle Brice
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No I don’t like them
Marcus Llewellyn
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Sheila Wilcox Llewellyn
Valerie Green
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I love Rotweillers..brilliant dogs…
Laecey Chadderton Rothera
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Yeah, they’re amazing lazy “little” big things Haha.
Kevin Tutton
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Chelsey Therese
Sheri Brennan
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So true <3
Paw James
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All so true. Most loyal, loving animal I’ve ever had. Dam hip dysplasia!
Joey David Spadafore
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Yukon My Boy almost 2yrs old
Joey David Spadafore
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Roxie my Girl!!
Paw James
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Who’d he fight with?
Ro Carlson
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Crazy eye
Gravity face
Shark face
Rotti lean
Goofballs and intelligence all at once.
Protective, loyal and loving. Can’t ask for a better breed.
Mark Patton
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Son’s pit….we separate them now
Teresa Wur Macumber
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All so true
Norma Moss
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William Mckie, Mandy Mckie
Annaliese Groves
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Dean McEvoy
Gemma Jones
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My boy x
Liam Duffy
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Charlotte Duffy