12 Realities New Doberman Pinscher Owners Must Accept

A super-intelligent and super-active dog — that's what you get when you get a Doberman Pinscher.

You also get an extremely loyal, trustworthy dog who's playful and fun-loving with his family.

He's a natural protector who won't hesitate to act when he thinks his family is under threat, but he is not aggressive without reason.

More: Fascinating Facts Most People Don’t Know About Dobermans

If you are considering to own a doberman pinscher, or you’ve just become a new doberman owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.

Check out the twelve realities new doberman owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a doberman owner, see if you can relate!

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643 thoughts on “12 Realities New Doberman Pinscher Owners Must Accept

  1. Oh so true. I have had 4 in my life time and you can’t leave the room for any reason or they follow you to make sure you are coming back. The only time they really sleep heavily is when you go to bed at night other wise they never really sleep, they are always listening just in case you go out of site which means they must find you immediately.

  2. 3 months ago I let Shawnee go to the Rainbow Bridge, she was 12. A month later I had to let Skye go; she was 13. I now have my 10 year old Rebel who still acts like a puppy. I can feel the tears in my eyes but I hold on knowing the good Lord willing, I will see them again, along with all my other pets over the years.

  3. I feel you heart break. We lost are 13 old yorkie Kiki the end of Sept. and two weeks ago we lost our 12 1/2 year old doberman Roxy. It was sudden with no notification. A heart attack! We are lost without our girls. We have one yorkie left who is 13 . I hope she is with us for a lot longer. It’s so hard because they are our children such a big part of our families. I love the doberman breed and will at some point own another one. They are an exceptional breed. We loved everything about her.
    I’m so sorry for your loss!

  4. Shelly Bailey Coming I too know how you feel. Thank you for sharing. My 3 dobie kids were/are my family and gave me strength when I had a 6 yr. battle with cancer. I’m well now and want to make the loss as easy as possible on Rebel. He still goes out and I know looks for them. My prayers to you for strength.

  5. Have been a proud owner of Female doberman ‘Lara’..one word for doberman as per me is “Best’.This is the best breed among many…Audacious ,careful, Courageous ,courteous all these are the quality of Doberman…

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