Here are the twelve realities new doberman pinscher owners must accept! If you already are a doberman owner, see if you can relate!
1. Your bed is no longer your bed
2. And your couch is no longer your couch
Here are the twelve realities new doberman pinscher owners must accept! If you already are a doberman owner, see if you can relate!
Floyd Lile
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Outstanding dogs
Dennis Constant
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“You’re trying to steal the wrong car.”
Paula Pessat
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Si true!!!
Bill Whitney
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I’m Batman!!!
Rob Beriault
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Jennifer Schlag
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Yup. I can accept all of those,… won’t be for another year yet but so excited for it!
Candy Veloz
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Love all of my 15 Dobbie babies!
Cesar Augusto Calderon Herrera
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la mejor raza
Heather Hetrick
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Simon M Welykanycz
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Daisy Hahaha, yup.
Kay Decker Brennan
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No need for car alarm!!
Chabrelle Hicks
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nice dog
Marilyn Brown
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Beautiful Dobies. Bet no one would try to steel this car. Lol.
Christian McCall
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Tina Barger McCall
Julie Murchie
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Yes, I’ve accepted all these realities of owning a doberman & I love him for all of them. I’ve had him for 5 years now, couldn’t imagine being without him!
Tina Barger McCall
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ALL so very true
Charlene Sousa
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They’ve always got their nose in your business
Herman Clark
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Wish that was my car.
Floyd Lile
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3 outstanding dobies
Roscoe Getz
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Goals Angela Toubeaux
Lee Wright
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Doberman car alarm system, always works!
Emma Cousens
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Mark Cousens
Becky Hitchcock
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These are so true
JoAnn Martinez
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All absolutely stunningly beautiful Dobie’s!
Sandy Savoy
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Would u like to ride w/ us.
Floyd Lile
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Lee Wright
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New car alarm system, no wires needed!
Chiqui Delgado
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I like it doggy Doberman
Marilyn Brown
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Hi everybody!
Marina Sanchez O'Neil
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Rachel Lowe
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It’s Sooo true!!!
Debbie Phelps
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Oh my God you just can’t get any cuter than this you are absolutely precious luvs hugs and kisses to you little ones
Charlene Sousa
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You will never be alone again not even in the bathroom
Bobby Vega
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I luv Dobies they r beautiful loyal lovable caring and funny
Michael 'Degs' Degens
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Smart too!
Mario Smith
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They make awesome pets!
Sean Hickey
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All true!
Debbie Cote
Sabrina Coty-Butler
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All true except the tv. Lilly hates any electronic that removes your attention from her, lol
Manuel Armando
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waiting the lift
Sue Myers
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Monica Sassano
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Gyula Zoltán Fazekas
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Hová megyünk főnök?
Sue Myers
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True True True. Love them