12 Realities New Corgi Owners Must Accept

So you think you want a Corgi.

corgi 12Who can resist a Corgi? With that foxy face, stubby legs, and bunny butt… those cute little cylindrical fur logs with the big ears… they are cute as dogs can be.

Pick up a book on dog breeds, or visit a breed-selector web site, and you will find that Corgis are smart, easy-to-train, and have an easy-care, dirt-repelling coat.

They are loyal to their people, can live peacefully with other animals, are good watch dogs and don’t require acres of running room.

Toss in a convenient size and the fact that they can be happy in most climates, and they sound like the perfect dog.

If you are considering to own a corgi, or you’ve just become a new corgi owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.

Check out the twelve realities new corgi owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a corgi owner, see if you can relate!

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437 thoughts on “12 Realities New Corgi Owners Must Accept

  1. We had a Corgi for 13 years until she passed. Just got our new Corgi, she is 3 months old and we are loving it! Love this breed of dog and everything in this article is so true.

  2. I love my corgi’s they are too smart and if you are not a little dog educated after they grow into their ears you will drop them at the pound! I would never get rid of mine but I do threaten him once in a while with a day at the pound! They are sensitive, intuitive, rambunctious, and could be considered a pain in the butt! They have to have work! Mine love too swim and that is what we do for exercise! They are definitely herders and when they are pups and maybe young adults they will nip at you child’s ankles it is the breed and I have been nipped more then once. So not recommended with children who would become frightened by this behavior older is better!

  3. We currently have 2 female PW red/whites that we rescued. They came from an Amish breeding mill. Our grand puppy is a male tri & he stays overnight with us 4 nights a week while our daughter works. She rescued him too. We dearly love these little guys! We lost our first Corgi about 3-1/2 years ago & he was the love of my life. Yes they are ornery, smart, faithful & loving companions! Corgi breed is my breed for life. I have found that not only frequent brushing with a shedding blade but a monthly grooming really helps with their shedding. Twice yearly they have heavy sheds (fall & spring). I can’t imagine life without them!

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