12 Realities New Beagle Owners Must Learn To Accept

Few people can resist the winsome eyes, soft muzzle, and all-around cuteness of a Beagle. They are consistently one of the most popular breeds in America, and for good reasons:

  • They're adorable. Just one soulful gaze from this happy-go-lucky little hound is enough to render almost any dog lover totally smitten.
  • They're low-maintenance. With a Beagle, you don't have to worry about untangling the coat, creating a canine top-knot, or booking an appointment with the local groomer
  • They're small. That small size makes this breed ideal for people who can't or don't want to deal with the logistics of caring for larger dogs.
  • They're versatile. Beagles are truly multitalented individuals. They not only can excel in the conformation ring but also in such activities as competitive obedience, agility, and flyball, not to mention their natural tracking ability.
  • They're sociable. Simply put, Beagles enjoy the company of human beings. They relish meeting and greeting just about any person. Their friendliness also makes them great therapy dogs.
  • They're kid-friendly. The Beagle can be wonderful companions for kids. The Beagle is small enough to be able to romp with children without knocking them over, but large and sturdy enough to interact with sometimes-clumsy kids with relative safety.

If you are considering to own a beagle, or you’ve just become a new beagle owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.

Check out the twelve realities new beagle owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a beagle owner, see if you can relate!

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339 thoughts on “12 Realities New Beagle Owners Must Learn To Accept

  1. Do not get a beagle if you do not have another dog Beagles are a pack hound and like the company of other dogs. This is were people come unstuck with there digging, chewing and escaping because they are board and so many Beagles end up being rehomed or given up to the pounds. I love the beagle i have 4 of my own, I only write this as i care about the breed

  2. This is copper the NAUGHTIEST BEAGLE ALIVE. He just ate a 70 dollar vaccum brush. He has loads of bones and toys and he is never left alone. He has learned to open cabinets and drawers and he is now trying to learn how to open snap locks. He watches how we lock the door. His best friend is a vizsla he also loves all the other dogs in town. I give him a bath every otherday because he loves to roll around in dead snakes and bear poop.

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