A Pug That Hates Kisses! THIS Will Make You Laugh, Guaranteed!

Does your pooch like to be kissed? or does he/she do everything possible to avoid being kissed?

This adorable pug definitely does the latter.

Despite the passionate human trying to show her affection towards him/her, the pug just plays hard to get!

He/she is SUCH a teaser!!!! And the pug's look… too funny! haha.

Watch the cute and hilarious video on the next page:

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382 thoughts on “A Pug That Hates Kisses! THIS Will Make You Laugh, Guaranteed!

  1. Mine does this too. She was so cuddly as a puppy but that romance has died now lol she only kisses me when she wants to and hates being cuddled unless it’s on her terms. I still force her to love me hahahaha

  2. Mine prefers kisses over being petted. He didn’t have a great start in life and it has taken me a long time to earn his trust. He sees the kisses coming and lines them.more than a hand he can’t see.

  3. My guy Griffin, RIP, was such a little lover. I just tapped my fingers to my lips and he’d kiss me. Afterward, I’d say “now let me kiss you” and he’d turn his head so I could kiss his cheeks!
    I miss him so bad that it hurts.

  4. Cute video once you get to it.

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