A Pug That Hates Kisses! THIS Will Make You Laugh, Guaranteed!

Here's the video of the adorable pug trying everything he can, from moving his face away from the human, to putting his/her paw on the human's lips to try avoiding getting kissed! lol

Watch the hilarious video below! …and SHARE to spread a smile! 🙂

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382 thoughts on “A Pug That Hates Kisses! THIS Will Make You Laugh, Guaranteed!

  1. Mine does this too. She was so cuddly as a puppy but that romance has died now lol she only kisses me when she wants to and hates being cuddled unless it’s on her terms. I still force her to love me hahahaha

  2. Mine prefers kisses over being petted. He didn’t have a great start in life and it has taken me a long time to earn his trust. He sees the kisses coming and lines them.more than a hand he can’t see.

  3. My guy Griffin, RIP, was such a little lover. I just tapped my fingers to my lips and he’d kiss me. Afterward, I’d say “now let me kiss you” and he’d turn his head so I could kiss his cheeks!
    I miss him so bad that it hurts.

  4. Cute video once you get to it.

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