Cow Rejected By His Mother Grows Up With Dogs & Now He Thinks He’s One Of Them

James the highland cow was oxygen deprived in his mother’s womb, which caused him to be born with an underdeveloped brain. His mama and his herd immediately rejected him as there was little chance of his survival.

But farm owners Adam and Emily didn’t give up on James and began nursing him indoors in the company of their dogs.

Source: USA TODAY/Youtube

Thanks to the special care, James began growing up without any health issues. But being in the company of the loving dogs 24/7 had a deep impact on his personality.

Adam and Emily saw that James was losing his identity as a cow, and was comfortable with the idea that he was one of the dogs!

He began spending all his time with his doggie pals, and refused to live in the shed with the other cows!

Source: USA TODAY/Youtube

When the farm owners tried to introduce James to the herd, they realized that the other cows bullied or ignored him. Soon, it was evident that James didn’t belong with the cows.

His parents have now built him a special enclosure in the backyard where he feels close to the dogs at all times.

Source: USA TODAY/Youtube

These days, James plays and frolics around happily with the dogs, and religiously demands his humans to pet him.

He no longer feels like a rejected outcast and is grateful toward his owners and his doggie siblings for accepting him the way he is!

He might be growing up as a cow, but he will be a dog at heart all his life!

Click the video below to watch James being a total puppy with his family and his doggie siblings!

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