Fascinating Facts About Cats That Even Crazy Cat Ladies Don’t Know

Although cats are extremely popular, not everyone realizes just how common they are. In the United States alone, there are more than 36 million of them living as pets. Despite this popularity, however, not many can tell you very much about the average house cat.

Sure, we all know they like to run around and cause a ruckus at 3 a.m. and that they’re descended from a common ancestor of bigger jungle cats, but that’s about it. With that in mind, it’s time to learn a thing or two about ol’ Whiskers!

Here are some of the most interesting facts about your cat that you would never have guessed…

1. While your cat may appear to not care or recognize you when you call out to them, this isn’t totally the case. They’re very good at recognizing their owner’s voice, so if you call and they ignore you, they’re choosing to do so.

This pretty much corroborates some of the stereotypes about cats. For example, they’re said to be a tad aloof and to be very independent. Then again, you don’t really get a cat if you’re looking for a pet who obeys your every command!

In fact, a lot of cat owners like that their cats are independent creatures. It might be annoying every now and again when they don’t listen to your pleas to stop knocking things off the table, but it can also be useful. Every cat owner knows that it’s a lot less work to care for a cat, too. So, like most things, it’s a give and take.

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