It’s A Small World After All – Baby Elephants and Stray Dogs Co-Exist in Magical Refuge

When baby elephants have nowhere else to go after losing their mothers to poaching, the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand welcomes them to a new home. With plenty of space to roam and caretakers watching over them, the elephants are safe. As of this writing, 35 baby elephants are cared for at the park. Where do dogs fit into this picture? Glad you asked!

When Bangkok experienced the devastation of widespread flooding in 2011, the team at Elephant Nature Park rescued close to 2,000 dogs. A total of 155 came to live at the Chiang Mei elephant sanctuary. The population grew and at present time, at least 400 dogs call the park their home, sharing it with their elephant friends.

The dogs will stay in a pack, with a self-appointed leader. The dogs are at ease, sleep where they please, and the elephants have grown used to their canine pals. Sometimes, the dogs are seen at the front of the elephant shelter at night, waiting ever so peacefully for their friends to awaken the next morning.

In a land where these two displaced species have learned to co-exist, what a timely message and video of unity this is for our modern times. This video clearly shows the bond of trust between the animals.

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