9 Surprisingly Dangerous Treats for Dogs

5. Chocolate-Covered Treats

How could a thin layer of chocolate coating harm your dog? Watch out: Tiny doses of chocolate can actually be fatal. Chocolate-covered nuts, pretzels, or candies should be safely stored out of your pet’s reach. Even white chocolate contains compounds toxic to dogs. Any foods that list chocolate, cocoa, cocoa butter, or cacao must be avoided completely.

6. Pickles

High levels of sodium are dangerous for dogs, and vinegar can be hard on their stomachs. What’s more, many pickles include spices like onion and garlic that are poisonous to canines. And whole pickles are a choking hazard.

Read ingredients carefully, and stick to a slice or two at most—as an occasional treat. Even better, dogs love fresh cucumber. It’s healthy and delicious!

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