10 Illustrations Every Dog Owner Will Understand

Let's talk about dogs and the reason why dogs are great pets. They are loyal. They are awesome friends, they will definitely keep you busy and always be there for you when you need them.

Dogs are the best security system. They will also keep you healthy because of daily walks, training exercises or even jogging together! And they will always love you unconditionally.

So there are many reasons why dogs have been called man's best friend.

Lingvistov artist Landysh have put together some cute and funny illustrations about dogs. We hope you enjoy them!

Check out the 10 Illustrations Every Dog Owner Will Understand on the next page:

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69 thoughts on “10 Illustrations Every Dog Owner Will Understand

  1. In a drunken philosophical discussion one night, an old Marine Corps buddy said ” everything I need to know I learned from my dog…. If you can’t eat it, or fxxk it… Piss on it”

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