Husky Approaches Mom & Throws Dramatic Tantrum For Absolutely No Reason At All

Zeus the Husky always has a lot on his mind, and he never holds himself back from expressing his emotions!

Most of the times, his humans have no trouble understanding what their 10-year-old pooch needs. But in rare cases, even they struggle with processing his train of thought!

Source: Rumble Viral/Youtube

In this video, Mom and Dad are enjoying a quiet day when their “agitated” Husky barges in with a flaming temper tantrum!

Zeus cries and howls and whines with such emotion that his parents instantly get anxious about what’s bothering their sensitive baby.

But it is mid-day, Zeus has already been fed and all his needs have been tended to. Mom and Dad ask Zeus if he wants to go for a walk, but the angry boy rejects the idea and raises the intensity of his howling fit!

He’s clearly offended at something. But this time, his parents have no idea how to calm him down!

Source: Rumble Viral/Youtube

Huskies are a very intelligent breed, which is what makes them so headstrong and communicative. Zeus is just like a little toddler who does everything in his power to get what he wants!

His topsy-turvy ranting fits are not uncommon, and his parents are in love with his adorable tantrums! We hope they were able to decode the reason behind this hilarious mid-day tantrum!

Click the video below to watch Zeus the Husky throwing a major tantrum for no reason at all!

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