Why On Earth Would You Get a Boxer?! Here Are Ten PERFECT Reasons Why

Here's the list of 10 perfect reasons why people should get a boxer dog as their pet. There's also a short video clip below the list that explains it plain and simple. Check it out below!

1. They fight.
2. They shred stuff.
3. They beat up their owners!
4. They beg and drool.
5. They’re bad on a leash.
6. They are messy.
7. They are chickens.
8. They’re unpredictable.
9. They bully other animals.
10. They hog the couch / bed

…that’s why! 🙂

Got any other reasons? Share with us in the comments below!

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73 thoughts on “Why On Earth Would You Get a Boxer?! Here Are Ten PERFECT Reasons Why

  1. Thanks for sharing this fun video of Brock & Izzy, I know Izzy passed away, but have been wondering if Brock is still alive and well? Any new videos of Brock playing with Trey or Bonnie????

  2. Greta could clear a room with her flatulence! Usually there was audible warning and I made peace w her funk.
    She’s gone and we have two 6 month old kittens now. The cats are quiet and DEADLY! I don’t think I feed them poorly but you’d think they had roadkill some days.

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