Why Do Dogs Stare At You When They Poop? It’s Not Because They’re Embarrassed.

Have you ever noticed your dog keeping his eyes on you while he poops? If you're a fan of science, you have probably always wondered why your pets stare at you while they're taking a dump.

Okay, maybe you've never thought about it but, now that we're on the topic, dog scientists (a.k.a. veterinarians) have figured out the reason WHY dogs stare at their owners while defecating.

According to Dr. Kathryn Primm, a practicing small animal veterinarian and practice owner at Applebrook Animal Hospital in Ooltewah, Tennessee, it's not because the dog's embarrassed.

More: 35 Healthiest Human Foods You Can Feed Your Dog (And The 12 That Could Kill Your Dog)

Your dog is not wishing you would look away or give him privacy while he “does his business” either.

Dr. Primm says it goes much deeper than that…

Find out what Dr. Primm has to say about why dogs stare at you when they poop and have one of the world's mysteries answered on the next page.

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2,854 thoughts on “Why Do Dogs Stare At You When They Poop? It’s Not Because They’re Embarrassed.

  1. Actually, the female author of this article doesn’t want anyone to look at her when she defecates. Animals couldn’t care less for they dump just about everywhere no matter who is around. She should live on a farm. I did, had a lot of different animals and they all dump the same.

  2. My pug Willie stares at me when he poops, without reading this… it is because they are in a awkward position and look at you so they feel safe and we have their back while they are doing their business!

  3. Saved you a click.

    Dogs are animals and they are very tuned in to their environment and their own place in it. For survival, they must be aware of risk.

    Defecation is one of the times in an animal’s life when he is at his most vulnerable. He must posture to perform the task and because of this, he is not in a position to readily fight or flee. In fact, it would be rather difficult for him to defend himself or to escape danger while he is eliminating. Your dog is instinctively aware of his defenselessness.

    But your dog also knows that she is a part of your “pack”. You are a member of the family group. If your dog watches you during this time, it is because she is depending on you to give her a body language signal or “heads up” if she should be afraid. She may also be looking to you to possibly defend her should the need arise. If you suddenly leap away, you can bet your dog will respond also.

    Likewise, some dogs will not defecate with anyone watching (or on a leash). Perhaps he feels safer if he is away from your home turf where he will not draw attention. Instincts dictate your dog’s reaction to his own helplessness during this awkward time.

    Whether your dog looks to you or slips away for “poop time”, it helps to know that she is just doing what comes naturally to her. You should honor her wishes as long as it is safe to do so. Try not to do anything that will startle her if she is looking at you while she defecates. Respect her natural inclination to be away and modify your environment to accommodate her as much as possible.

  4. Its one of their most vulnerable times; your dog is looking to you to watch after him while he’s ‘otherwise engaged’. In the wild its a dogs most vulnerable in the wild. They are open to attack at this time. How would you like someone to threaten you when you’re going for a dump?

  5. Hate it when as soon as we get around the block almost the same spot (by the local church). She decides to take a dump!!!. Hate walking with a poop bag..so annoying. So it’s half a walk back home cause there are NO rubbish bins avaiable

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