Why Do Dogs Spin Before They Poop? You NEED To See Why…

Have you ever noticed how dogs sometimes walk in circles before sleeping or going to the bathroom?

I always thought it had to do with them being very careful about where they mark their territory, but according to the following video from Discovery, there’s a lot more to those circle turns.

It turns out that it not only has to do with some hygiene and territorial instincts that dogs have when they're in the wild, but also has to do with the Earth's magnetic field…

…which is crazy, and Anthony Carboni from DNews is here to tell you all about it.

Check out the video on the next page to find out why dogs spin before they poop!

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652 thoughts on “Why Do Dogs Spin Before They Poop? You NEED To See Why…

  1. Who the hell comes up with this$#%&!@* Dogs are afraid their$#%&!@*will jump up and hit them in the face. Then they will turn around and eat some other dogs$#%&!@* But please don’t let that$#%&!@*touch your face

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