Hope For Paws was alerted to a homeless Chow in Central California, so they got ready for the 300-mile trip.
A woman named Claudia was able to feed the dog for a few months but couldn’t ever get close enough to touch him.
But she would bring along another dog who the homeless Chow liked. Whiskey’s owner passed away and left the dog with no one, so Claudia took her in out of fear she would be left at the shelter. And now she was helping!
Rescuers set up a crate and left so Gogo could relax in the presence of his friend only. And it did the trick! After six months on the streets struggling to survive, it was on to bigger and better things. 🙂
Claudia couldn’t keep Whiskey, so she allowed Hope For Paws to take both dogs in. The friends were taken in and cleaned up and prepared for second chances at life, and it’s a beautiful thing!