Weird Things Pugs Do

Maybe instead of “Weird Things” it should have been “Awesome Things” pugs do! ♥

But, anyhoo…

We just came across this video by YouTuber Naruna showcasing the different things her pug does, that she finds funny or weird. As she puts it, “…this is just a small part of all the weird stuff he does…” lol

Does your pooch do any of these things? If you live with a pug or know of a pug, then I'm sure you can relate to most if not all of them! (and make you giggle 🙂 )

See how many of these things your pug does (if you are a pug owner, of course… if not, watch it anyway! It'll make you smile and make you want to get a pug as your lovely companion 🙂 )

Watch this adorable and hilarious video on the next page:

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1,329 thoughts on “Weird Things Pugs Do

  1. Our pugalier, Bertie, is so weird that all of those things seem completely normal lol. The creepiest…purposefully chewing off all of the eyes and ears from every single teddy in his huge collection (and any others he gets his paws on lol). I’m guessing they aren’t allowed to see or hear him coming! He also delights in face-planting straight into mud, trips over thin air and makes the high pitched pug squeak noise as if the world is ending if he can’t pick something up lol

  2. Our pugalier, Bertie, is so weird that all of those things seem completely normal lol. The creepiest…purposefully chewing off all of the eyes and ears from every single teddy in his huge collection (and any others he gets his paws on lol). I’m guessing they aren’t allowed to see or hear him coming! He also enjoys face-planting straight into mud, he’s so distracted that he trips over thin air and then checks to make sure none of his dog friends saw him do it and he makes the high pitched pug squeak noise like the world is ending if he can’t pick something up lol

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