Warning: Beautiful spring bloom that can be deadly for your cat

It’s that time of year when color starts to emerge, the sun shines and everything starts to look much more pleasant.

The first colors we tend to see after the winter darkness is yellow in the form of everyone’s favorite spring flower: the daffodil.

They smell amazing and add a beautiful splash of spring color to every room; just looking at them lifts my spirits.

But did you know these beautiful blooms can be deadly for your cat?

Everyone who has a cat knows how curious they are. They want to explore everything and love to smell and rub up against their surroundings.

They love nothing more than rolling around in the grass and flower beds. This is, of course, harmless fun, but when it comes to daffodils it could actually end in disaster.

Photo: Maxipixel

All parts of the daffodil are poisonous for cats, according to The Nest, which cites information from the American Soiety for the Prevention of Cruety to Animals as its source.

Every part of the daffodil is toxic for cats, especially the bulbs. Daffodils also contain the chemical compound calcium oxalate which affects the kidneys.

Signs that your cat may have been poisoned

  • vomiting
  • dehydration
  • diarrhea
  • convulsions
  • drooling
  • tiredness

If your cat shows any sign of these symptoms then you must seek emergency veterinary assistance immediately.

Photo: Shutterstock

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