Kind Man Pushes Disabled Dog On A Cart So He Could Still Enjoy His Daily Walks

Our pets are not just “pets,” rather, they become part of our family. Most people treat their pets like they are their own children and would do absolutely anything for them.

And it’s safe to say that our pets, especially dogs, are just as loyal to us.

One kind man in Vibo Valentina, Italy, proved just how much his dog means to him, and Sabrina la Groterria was there to witness the heartwarming moment.

Facebook/Sabrina la Groterria

Tonino Vitale’s 13-year-old dog, Dylan, has developed bad arthritis as he’s gotten older, which caused him to lose the use of his rear legs.

But Vitale didn’t let this stop them from going on their daily walks; Vitale pushes Dylan on a cart so that they could still enjoy the fresh air together.

Facebook/Sabrina la Groterria

When Groterria saw Vitale pushing Dylan down the street, she took out her phone to capture the moment on video, and shared it on social media for everyone to see.

As you’d expect, this adorable video when viral and people all over the world were touched by Vitale’s dedication to his furry best friend.

Facebook/Sabrina la Groterria

News outlets began contacting Vitale, who says he is happy that the video went viral. He hopes that it reminds people to respect animals and to take the best care possible of their pets.

In the video, you can see Vitale and Dylan returning from their walk. Vitale lifts Dylan up off the cart with ropes that Vitale put together to help Dylan walk. 

After watching this video, my faith in humanity has definitely been restored! Watch for yourself below:

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Questo video racchiude una sola parola "UMANITÀ" cane con tumore alle ossa, portato a passeggio 3/4 volte al giorno. Bisognerebbe premiare quest'uomo. Nei pressi dello stadio di Vibo Valentia che ne pensate?

Posted by Sabrina la Grotteria on Wednesday, July 18, 2018

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