A photo of Steven Spielberg on the set of Jurassic Park went viral for a very unexpected reason. Internet humourist Jay Branscomb posted the photo on Facebook a few years back with the caption: “Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man.”
The thing is a lot of people didn’t get Jay’s joke. They actually thought the movie director had shot a dinosaur (or, they didn’t register that the “animal” was a movie prop) and they started posting comments:
“He’s a digesting inhumane p***k. I’d love to see these hunters be stopped..“
“I’m going to boycott all of his movies until he stops this mindless slaughter of defenseless animals. this is an absolute OUTRAGE! i can’t believe my eyes.“
“Steven Spielberg, I’m disappointed in you. I’m not watching any of your movies again ANIMAL KILLER.“
“I don’t care who he is he should not have shot that animal.”
Some people did get the joke and responded in kind:
“Disgraceful. No wonder dinosaurs became extinct. Sickos like this kill every last one of them as soon as they are discovered. He should be in prison.“
“He should be killed instead. Beautiful creature innocently living millions of years ago then this monster comes along.“
“So great to be part of this magnificent thread dedicated to the extinct species of the world …. Namely our brain cells. Get to work people!! Myself included lol.“
In response to his original post going viral, Jay posted another photo of Spielberg and commented: “Folks, we need your help identifying the vicious shark-killer shown posing with his illegal prey. Sharks are essential to the ecosystem and their waters are protected off the coast of California. If you have any knowledge of this fiend’s identity or whereabouts, please contact authorities immediately.”
Others voiced their confusion that people could actually believe the movie director killed a dinosaur. One thing for sure, satire is alive and well on the Internet.