[VIDEO] How To Easily And Effectively Clean Your Pug’s Wrinkles

Part of the Pug's appeal and charm is his wonderful wrinkles. The V pattern wrinkles on his forehead is just plain irresistible!

Then there's the irresistible nose roll — the deep fold of skin that lies above his nose. It even wiggles whenever he sniffs.

Despite the Pug's physical appeal, keep in mind that taking care of your Pug's wrinkles and nose roll is serious business.

Check out the video on the next page to learn how to easily and effectively clean your pug's wrinkles!

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885 thoughts on “[VIDEO] How To Easily And Effectively Clean Your Pug’s Wrinkles

  1. My pug had yeast in the fold right above his nose because I just wasn’t cleaning it out as well as I could. He’s a big fidgeter, and I worry I’ll poke one of those big pretty pug eyes by accident.

    I’m still hesitant but I get it done, and he’s been good since. Still not fun having to get him medicine because his skin is irritated.

  2. My little pug girl got ear mites this year from playing in the grass and they were so bad she even got them in her big wrinkle (she has one deep wrinkle) so I used the ear mite medicine in her wrinkle and then kept her from reinfecting by using mineral oil. Mineral oil is a consumable inert flavorless oil. Oil will deprive both mites and yeast of oxygen necessary to thrive. The mineral oil helped to moisturize her irritated skin(from having to clean and medicate for 10 days) Fall is a bad time for yeast infections and mites in my area. Just thought everyone might like the tip about mineral oil. Just put some on your finger and wipe it in the fold.

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