These Unintentionally Hilarious Kids Are Cracking People Up Without Even Knowing It

16. Child Witch Doctor

As we get older, sometimes we just need that perfect life moment to put the spice back into our marriage.

In this case, that special zest was given by this hilarious kid who opted to give his fourth grade teacher a special ruse he had concocted just for her and her husband.


Rather than containing snake oil or eye of newt and toe of frog like the usual potions, this one was particularly geared to help with any marital woes that might be going on outside of school.

Chock full of Valentine’s Day candy hearts and topped off with some powerful marshmallows.

Like many a young child, the nuance of euphemisms relating to adult references were lost on this kid making for this hilarious outcome of a genuinely sweet effort.

Or so we can only hope.

17. Porky Pet

This hilarious kid clearly received a simple writing assignment. They were given a limited choice of words to describe their family pet, and asked to elaborate.

The instructions were clear enough, and this student had a fair idea of what needed to be done in order to complete the exercise.


The student answered innocently enough and gave the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Apparently their beloved pooch was a little on the chunky side.

Providing some clarification as to why the dog is a circle proved challenging, however, but thankfully they provided a helpful diagram to illustrate the situation.

The takeaway: never underestimate how funny a child’s literal interpretation of things can be.

18. Quite Literally

We all have that one friend who can’t be blamed for their actions when they don’t quite do what we wanted. They just interpret our words literally rather than looking at the bigger picture.

This dad’s hilarious kid was asked to perform a simple chore, something not too difficult to understand: feed the cat.


Of course, the kid knew that an orange was food, so according to child logic, it would make sense that the fruit would be enough to give the cat as a meal.

Not a single care was given as to whether the cat would understand how to peel the fruit.

Unfortunately, the frowning feline looks less than pleased with the results of the misunderstanding but the entertainment value here is certainly not lost on adult human onlookers!

19. Wigging Out

If you’re a person who likes to wear wigs over your real hair, or you live with someone like that, then you know that out of context, wigs can be pretty frightening.

Don’t believe us? Wait until you accidentally stumble across one on the floor late at night, find it stuffed inside a drawer or see it being used as an improvised Cousin Itt costume.

Twitter/Ashola Ilie

The man who posted this hilariously adorable, albeit startling, photo had the shock of his life when he saw this unassuming kid innocently sauntering around the house wearing this giant wig he had found lying about.

In his Twitter post, the photographer from Nigeria admitted that he had thought it was a real-life spirit representation of the local thunder god.

20. Your Move, Bro

For kids, meeting a new significant other of a family member is a big event. Sometimes, it’s quite scary and they might want to run and hide, not ready yet to make acquaintances.

But it all depends on the child themselves. In some cases, establishing dominance is the name of the game.


Take for example this kid, who had been told that his aunt’s new boyfriend was coming over to meet him for the first time.

First impressions are key, and the boy wanted to let the significant other know that he was a force to be reckoned with — so he prepared this outfit for the occasion.

Kid really do the darndest things, and we’re so glad!

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