These Ungrateful Cats Have No Use For Expensive Gifts And They’re Not Afraid To Show It

16. “They’re calling them ‘cats’ and they’re the newest way to waste money!” At least the cat on the left had the right idea, they just didn’t know how to execute it correctly. As for the cat on the right, just be happy that he’s anywhere near his bed!

17. It should go without saying that just because a designer made a toy or scratching post for a cat, it doesn’t mean that they know what it is intended for. Can you really blame this cat for just giving up and stretching out on this scratching post?

18. Now, these cats are just rubbing it in their owner’s faces with how close they are to using their beds correctly. “I know what I’m supposed to do with these things, but I don’t care. Not one bit. You don’t control me.”

These cats sure know hat to stick it to their owners. Why is gift shopping for cats so hard?!

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