Doggo Is So Happy Dad’s Finally Home, Eagerly Carries His Luggage Inside

It is said that dogs are man’s best friend. There is no finer example of this than in the story you are about to read. A true friend is there for you in a time of need and is thrilled to see you when you come home. This sweet Golden Retriever proves his loyalty to his dad and we get to witness it too!

Dad pulls his truck into the driveway and opens the door. He really could use an extra set of hands to help him unload all his stuff. Since hands weren’t available, paws (and a mouth) are the next best thing!

The sweet dog merrily trots over to his dad and he starts taking one package after another to the garage. Once there, he gently unloads the haul and goes back for round two, three, and more.

This pooch is so happy to have his dad home. He even carries the tote bags with the straps in his mouth, eager to be the best assistant possible. Totally “awwwww” worthy!

This doggo is telling his dad that he’s so happy to have him home that he will gladly pitch in and help him back inside (permanently lol). I bet he would even unpack his bags too if he could. Then hide his car keys so he doesn’t ever leave him again!

Take a pause in your day to watch this sweet pooch prove why he is truly man’s best friend. What a sweetie!

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