This is What Happens When a Yellow Labrador Meets a Wild Baby Bunny.

What happens when a yellow Labrador Retriever meets a wild baby bunny in a garden? Well, it's an apex of cutenss that will melt anyone's heart instantly!

The tiny wild baby bunny may only weigh less than a pound, but this thumper isn't scared or intimidated at all by the giant blonde Labrador.

When the fluffy little bunny comes face to face with the pooch, she doesn't even flinch! Seems like they are both curious and fascinated by each other.

The Labrador gives the little bunny a sniff, and the bunny jumps towards him, and we are now witnessing a friendship of creatures from two different species forming in front our very eyes!

In fact, it's the Labrador who seems more nervous about the encounter than the confident baby rabbit!

Check out the video on the next page and watch their adorable interaction:

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100 thoughts on “This is What Happens When a Yellow Labrador Meets a Wild Baby Bunny.

  1. This happened to me. When we met the bunny my lab sniffed it and walked away. I don’t think the rabbit could believe it and he hopped along with us on our walk for a long time ….Sam looked back occasionally but the rabbit kept following.

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