This husband just gave his wife the GREATEST possible gift.

A present with a personal touch is a sure bet when “gift for wife” is on the list. Flowers. Personalized Gifts. Jewelry…

Well, here's Rich surprising his wife Sara with the GREATEST possible gift… a little french bulldog puppy she wanted to adopt but thought had already been adopted. Well, apparently she was… by Rich!

Honestly that puppy is going to be loved to hell and back! Sara’s mommy instincts kicked in the second she saw the cute puppy face! I mean just look at how she responds…

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124 thoughts on “This husband just gave his wife the GREATEST possible gift.

  1. Da fühlte sich mein Gismo auch immer ganz besonders wohl….das grosse Highlight des Tages war’s dann grundsätzlich…bei Herrchen im Arm einzuschlafen zu kuscheln und ganz dezent anfangen zu schnarchen…..

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