5 Things Only a Pug Owner Would Understand

Pugs… what some call ugly others might call irresistibly cute! Pugs, with their wrinkly, short-muzzled faces and curled tails, has turned in to one of the most popular dogs in the United States and increasing in popularity around the world.

If you live with one (or two or three…) or have ever lived with one, you'll have a good laugh at this list of things compiled by AKC only a pug owner would understand!

Pugs are amazing companions. Their goals in life are simple; to make you happy and snuggle as much as possible. While they enjoy a good nap, they are also always up for some playtime… which usually consists of running in circles.

If you own a pug, you can definitely relate to these things.

1. Personal space is a thing of the past when you own a Pug. You will forever have a bathroom buddy, sleeping partner, and audience while cooking.


2. Pugs take napping to a whole new level. Soft snoring becomes the soundtrack to your life.


3. “Yes, I know I have hair on me.” A Pug's hair comes with you everywhere. Hey, at least it means they're always with you.


4. It is completely normal for a Pug owner to have an impressive collection of of Pug shirts, socks, slippers, and product ever sold with a Pug on it.


5. Pugs hate not being in your good graces and they will follow you around until you give in to their cuteness and forget that shoe they ate.

For more hilarious things only a pug owner would understand, visit the original post over at AKC.

Source: AKC

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394 thoughts on “5 Things Only a Pug Owner Would Understand

  1. So that explains it all! Mystery solved! Never in my life would it have remotely crossed my mind to have a pet in my life, least of all a Pug. A Pug cute? If you say so, eye of the beholder, etc. Then my granddaughter’s Chihuahua went missing. We posted flyers in vets’ offices, among other places, got phone calls and that’s how Harley came into our lives. “I found your dog, ” the caller said. “Saw the flyer at my vet’s”, he said. He drove up, opened the truck door an this Pug jumped to the ground, following him toward us. Nope. Sorry. Not our 3 lb Chihuahua. Couldn’t take my eyes off the chunk of caramelly fur. She gazed at us like we were family. “Well, if she’s not yours, then I’m taking her to the pound. Can’t keep her.” With a longing parting look, she jumped back into the truck at his command and was gone. Though we laughed at the idea that he couldn’t tell the difference between his Pug and the Chihuahua in the flyer photo, we each were thinking about the sweet, brown eyed Pug — headed to a pound that sets a time limit on adoptions. We quickly talked and made the knee jerk decision to foster her, redialed his phone number and told him we’d try to find her owner. We posted on FB, etc and no one ever responded. That was in 2012. We decided long ago, he was the actual owner. His ploy worked, but we have no regrets. Because Harley was right — we ARE her family and always have been. We still keep a look out for Puggsly and pray that God will lead him home, just He did Harley. He would he tickled to learn he has a sister. Funny, til I wrote this I never realized that I already, though briefly, had had a Pug(gsly) in my life. Maybe it was to prepare me for the one to come. Reading this post has helped me to understand her better. Thanks.

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